After a car or other accident has left you injured, we know you need time to process what has happened to you and to gather the information you need to make some important decisions. We provide lots of helpful free information on our website, including these library articles, so that you can read all you want with no pressure to take action. When you are ready to contact us, we will be here for you.
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November 2023MONDAY MORNING MAGIC | Rediscover Your Passion for Work
October 2023See It, Then Live It! Create a Vivid Vision and Shape Your Destiny
September 2023Spada Law Group's 25th Anniversary!
August 2023Skeptic Turned Enthusiast | My Recent Adventures on the Golf Course
July 2023Painting Fire Hydrants: A Metaphor for Life
June 2023New In Newburyport | Spada Law Expands
May 2023WANT TO IMPROVE SOMEONE ELSE’S DAY? The Art of Recognition
April 2023DISTRACTED DRIVING: It's Not Just a Young People Problem
March 2023CUTTING DOWN ON SCREEN TIME During the National Day of Unplugging
January 2023BECOMING MORE ACCOUNTABLE IN 2023 By Hiring a Business Coach
December 2022IT’S BEEN A GREAT YEAR! Looking Back at 2022